CU Blog



#CUatBrunch N°14 with Emily Walker of Modern Leaders Co

September 7, 2022

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Welcome! As the founder & lead copywriter of CU, I’m obsessed with seeing how words can light up a creative entrepreneur, breathe fire into their spirit, and revitalize the passion they have for their business. 




Welcome back to the fourteenth episode of our series, #CUatBrunch.

If you missed last week’s episode, catch up on Episode N°13 here.

On this episode of #CUatBrunch N°14 we’re featuring the intelligent, calming, and gracious Emily Walker of @modernleadersco.

Her Professional Bio:

Emily Walker is an expert in architecting life-changing online programs. She is known for her unique approach in the course creation industry, blending equal parts learning psychology, intuition and a firm belief in doing things in a way that feels deliciously like you.  From best-selling authors to ground-breaking coaches to seven-figure entrepreneurs, Emily has worked with a diverse range of clients in all different industries from all around the globe.

Emily believes that it’s time to burn down the one-size-fits-all strategies and instead fall wildly in love with your deeply original learning experience. After working behind the scenes on over 100 courses, certifications and group programs, Emily knows that the truly life-changing programs are the ones that honour your learners’ journey while infusing every element with your unique magic.

When she’s not cooking up new programs with her clients, Emily can be found hanging out in yoga pants with her two kitties, puppy and her husband, dreaming of leading her next VIP weekend in Paris.

Click play below to watch the full episode!

We Discussed:

  • A bit about herself & her business
  • What a “learning designer” or “course creation expert” is
  • Some of the biggest mistakes she sees in the online course creation industry
  • A few tips she’d give to someone who’s about to create their first educational product
  • Some examples of different learning styles or formats – and how creative entrepreneurs/online course creators can better lean into those differences
  • A few different ways she works with people to help them improve their offerings
  • What she’s excited about in life/business right now (hello, work trips in amazing destinations)
  • Her go-to brunch order
  • Where & how to get started with all she has to offer

As always, thanks to all who tuned in!



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