CU Blog



The Monthly Recap: February 2020

March 4, 2020

follow @copyuncorked

Welcome! As the founder & lead copywriter of CU, I’m obsessed with seeing how words can light up a creative entrepreneur, breathe fire into their spirit, and revitalize the passion they have for their business. 




Go figure, January feels like a year and February feels like day. 2020 has already taken on a mind of its own but as the days have started getting longer, brighter, and warmer, my outlook has become more positive, too.

Sweet spring, I can sense you coming!

The last 2 weeks of February were great ones and client deliverables have been flying out the door. That sense of productivity is always a confidence booster, especially for us Enneagram Type 3s of the world.

With lots of client work happening behind the screens, there was less brand content being pushed out this month. However, read on to see what we did publish, what we learned, and what else is new around CU.

(Sorry for the cringe factor but, I will never pass up a good rhyming opportunity.) 


Latest Content & Offerings


Published Blog Posts

The Monthly Recap: January


Weekend Wine & Words

We sent out three Weekend Wine & Words this month, but they’re still slated to hit your inbox weekly (don’ worry). We love putting it together as much as you enjoy reading it!

Sometimes skipping a week is much needed for our small team’s prioritization, plus it’s a quick break from your inbox!



If you’re feeling a bit behind in your 2020 content marketing goals (we’ve all been there), don’t miss our updated Trello Editorial Calendar Template in the Shop.

It not only houses all your content creation such as blog posts, email sequences, and social media posts, this handy little guy allows you to take your organization goals one step above a standard calendar grid view. It also offers checklists and category labels…oh, and did we mention it’s FREE to use Trello?!

This is also the EXACT board our team uses to organize our content strategy, so when I say its good, it’s realllly goood. 


System Updates

At the beginning of the month, we revamped our project management system and it has made such a difference in the way our team keeps organized with deadlines. We’re advocates for continually improving our systems and processes as a way to grow the brand + business.

Don’t be afraid to jump at your own growth opportunities if you know deep down something needs tweaking. We’ve been there too, and we’re here to tell you to take that leap of faith; you never know if something works until you try it!


Education, Exploration & Community


Joy Field Trips

Richmond trip: My sister and I headed up to Richmond together for a 1-night stay at The Quirk to see Bob Goff in action. He’s one of my all-time favorite Christian authors. Just the way he ever so simply explains the complexities of faith practically brings me to tears every single time. It was a great night I didn’t know I needed.

Coffee shops: I finally pulled the trigger on a new Macbook Pro (all the angels sing) so there will be no more complaining about my storage issues and inability to get anything done on the go. That being said, my weekly coffee shop workdays were MUCH more enjoyable this month.

On the horizon: I’m ramping up for my trip to San Deigo in a couple of weeks for the Copywriter Club IRL conference and genuinely cannot wait!

Not to mention, a trip to San Diego wouldn’t be complete without a visit to see Kelsey, CU’s Communications and Project Manager.


Dream Site Giveaway

We loved putting on the Dream Site Giveaway this month in partnership with Tonic Site Shop, Elana Loo, and Moreno Collective to provide a complete website and content strategy solution.

HUGE congrats again to Hayley of @bambooblonde for winning our giveaway.


On My Nightstand

This year’s reading goal is still going strong! This month I’ve been reading:

– Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen

– Positioning by Al Ries and Jack Trout




Constant Capital Group – We couldn’t be more excited about the launch of the financial planning firm, Constant Capital Group (and my husband’s company)! We assisted in visual branding, messaging, and website copy to bring you a space that is super unique to the very traditional financial industry.

There are other big projects still in the works, but you better believe they’re on their way to launching!



Learning Moments


Let me tell ya a lesson you’ve probably heard 1 million times but don’t always like it (myself included):


When it comes down to it – my best workdays are the ones where no situation can get me down. Simply because my attitude + mindset is in check and I’m able to approach each project with patience, resourcefulness, and earnest support for the client.

Attitude is honestly the difference between a bad project, a good project, and a great project. They increase in proportion and it goes both ways – meaning, the client’s attitude counts, too.

I try to hold space for clients to express how they’re feeling with candor because then I know exactly how to address their needs. I love the branding process so much and care so deeply about the experience each business owner has during it.

I believe it should be a clarifying, confidence-building, brand-boosting experience. Not build-up of discouragement like a wine with way too much sediment.

We’re all human, so inevitably our moods will ebb & flow (check in with me next month – ha!) and things happen. But at the core of it all, we have to know this:

It’s all going to work out!

And if it feels like it’s not exactly working out how you’d hoped, voice that from a place of compassion and respect.

I fell in love with the mere concept of communication before I ever knew what the heck copywriting was because using your voice is like turning on all the lights.

Suddenly, things look & feel so much brighter.

So speak up for what you need, where you draw the boundaries, what you’re willing to do, and what you’re not. Express how you can fix errors, and how you can instill hope.

Train your brain to believe in what’s possible because belief has a sound. And it cuts through all the noise.


March Goals


01 – Get outside & get moving.

02 – Make some great connections & new friends at The Copywriter Club In Real Life conference.

03 – Launch a new CU service offering.

04 – Powerfully lead this month’s big projects.


Around the CU Office: Things I’m Loving Lately


These new Kim K-sized shades.

Olive trees. I want them everywhere around my office & house!

Natural wood accents like this hand-carved tray.

Bread & Butter’s Pinot Noir was our go-to this month. (Also, love their whole brand!)



On to March!




The Monthly Recap: February 2020 -

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